Do you care as much about your environment as you do about your mind, body and soul? I suspect that if you are reading this, you are a mindful person who strives to make a difference. As you declutter your mind, you might feel the natural urge to declutter your space as well. Perhaps you are moving homes, or you might be downsizing. Whatever the case may be, it's an opportunity for you to make a conscious difference in the world and have some fun in the process. When we practice self awareness and self-enquiry we become empowered to take responsibility for our thoughts and shift our perspective. Likewise, becoming aware of how our actions affect our environment puts us in a position of power again. We understand that by changing our habits, we can become part of a bigger solution. Small steps compound and make a huge difference in the long run. This is a subject close to my heart and one I will continue to explore. It is no coincidence that the first post I wrote was about how to favour minimal waste over recycling. Today, let's look at simple and creative ways to mindfully get rid of unwanted items, deepen our bond with this beautiful blue planet of ours and create new opportunities for human connection. ALL YOU NEED IS THE 3RS RULE: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE 1. REDUCE: If you are decluttering, you probably have taken the reduce part in your stride already. And, if you are moving it is a great opportunity to get rid of any excess and start afresh. When I decided to move to London a little over two years ago, I got rid of practically everything I owned. The whole process was a self discovery journey in itself! It made me realise how little I actually did need in the first place. Since then, I have really learned to be mindful of the objects I bring into my space and only include those that add joy and value to my life. It also means that I am more mindful about buying new items. I generally produce less waste that way. When you reduce, you are actually freeing space for yourself to evolve. Think of it as an overthinking mind vs. a peaceful one. The more thoughts you have, the less you can actually "think straight". The same goes with your space. Your environment really matters and plays a big role in your state of mind. A cluttered space is inviting you to let go of some excess baggage. And since your outer world is a projection of your inner world, you will inadvertently be doing some great soulful work as well. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo is an excellent read, if you want to delve into this deeper. 2. REUSE Once you have determined what items no longer belong in your environment, why not find them a new home? Always remember: one person's "trash", is someone else's treasure. If it works and is in decent condition, it will find new owners. There are many online platform where you can put your things up for grabs. The Freecycle Network is made up of 5,313 groups with 9,266,666 members around the world. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and neighbourhoods. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills.
I have met some lovely people that way too. And, it's always a great feeling when others benefit from your clearing. I once gave away a collection of foreign coins and notes I had accumulated during my backpacking years. They were just sitting in a pot, collecting dust! The boy who answered the add collected coins with his dad as a hobby. He had them organised in a folder and put so much attention and care into it all. He was over the moon! It was so special to be able to add something extra to that father-son bond they both had created around those coins.
![]() And get creative! The more you start to show interest in disposing of items consciously, the more opportunities will arise. You might have a bulk shop nearby that needs extra containers for their clients (jars, Tupperware etc.), a retirement home might love to have your plants, your local library may need some of your books etc. In London, some train stations have designated areas where you can leave books for other commuters, and there are plenty of street libraries around as well. Look out for those opportunities in your area. the more you are open to seeing, the more inspiration you receive. 3. RECYCLE If it cannot be reused and the bin is the only way forward, prioritise recycling. Remember: recycling is always the last option. Most of the items we put in the recycling bin are not even recycled! So, it is a good idea to bring them to the right place to help reduce the odds. Look up your local council and find a nearby household recycling plant you can bring your things to. You will be surprised at the extensive list of items and appliances some of them cover. Everything is sorted for you and makes the process easier for everyone. As an example of what is possible, here are some of the items I can bring to my local recycling plant: here is a short clip I took last time I was there: As far as computers, mobile phones and other electronics are concerned there are companies who specialise in buying old items. They wipe them for you and will use the pieces. Just ask Mr Google: there are plenty of options from which to choose. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Both these aspects of you are inseparable. At this point in time, it's a fact! Decluttering our minds, taking responsibility for our thoughts and really making sure we become emotionally responsible adults is crucial to our own wellbeing and health. And, it also contributes to our world being a better place. For, as we reclaim our power by owning our responsibility, we also start to take greater care of our outer world. As Eckart Tolle wisely writes: "The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner peace." (...) "Are you polluting the world or cleaning up the mess? You are responsible for your inner space; nobody else is, just as you are responsible for the planet. As within, so without: if humans clear inner pollution, then they will also cease to create outer pollution." And as we consciously grow, evolve and peel off those layers, we get to notice that our bond with this beautiful blue planet we are so lucky to live on gets tighter and tighter. That is when the right solutions appear! The current situation might be challenging, but I have faith that we can turn this around one step at a time. And, a good mindful declutter is one of those conscious steps. As always, the power lies within each and every one of us! Are you ready and willing to exercise your power? If you feel stuck and need an extra hand to declutter your mind BioNeuroEmotion (BNE) is a wonderful method that will help you shift your perspective, so you can foster meaningful changes in your life by transforming your conflicts into stepping stones. My mission is to empower men and women to move beyond their perceived limitations, step into their best selves and make a difference in the world. You can find out more about my work or book a one on one online session here. Resources:
8/16/2019 0 Comments Five Tips To Boost Your Self-WorthI am of those who believe that learning how to love, respect and appreciate ourselves is an all encompassing cure. Shame, depression, conflict, betrayal, violence, war, you name it, all of these are rooted in some level of unworthiness. As Sean Stevenson explains in his brilliant TEdx talk The Prison of Your Mind: “Every human being just wants to be loved. Even if they are tough, even if they are scary, even if they are vicious. You get them in the right position at the right time, they’ll tell you the truth. You know who they want love from most? Not their mums, not their dads, not their wardens… none of those people. They want to be able to look in the mirror and love themselves. And if you figure that one out, then you are going somewhere.” We all want to be able to love what we see in ourselves. Yet, we tend to place our worthiness in the hands of external factors and people. We often think that our worth is determined by how others value us. And, sooner or later we end up finding out what a slippery slope that is, right? That’s why it is so important to develop the skills to value ourselves from within. By doing so, we are reclaiming our power to thrive on our own terms. So today I’m taking you through a series of confidence booster tips to help you develop that worthiness muscle. Alright, let’s delve in!
And, as Gabrielle Bernstein would say: trust that the universe has your back. There is a bigger picture and the dots do all end up connecting. Trusting and allowing that intelligence to unfold through you is crucial to understanding your own worth and value.
On a side note, Perfectionism is a clear manifestation of someone's insecurity and lack of self-worth (believe me I've had plenty of experience with that myself). Learning to be kind, flexible, tolerant and understanding with ourselves, will allow us to be happier and more fulfilled people in general. It will help us to stand in our true worth!
To quit continuously comparing the present to the past or projecting it in the future, is an act of self-kindness and appreciation. What happened in the past is done and dusted. It has brought you where you are at, and NOW is what matters. Likewise, you cannot predict the future, but you can choose how to experience the present moment. That’s you power! And, if you cannot avoid reminiscing about the past or projecting into the future, do it from a place of gratitude. TRUST that every single experience is leading you to the moment where you will eventually reconnect with your deeper truth. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis is a great way to prime your brain for a more positive outlook on life as well. I personally love to use Alex and Mimi Ikonn’s 5 minute journal. You can also get creative and make your own version!
We all want to be able to love what we see in ourselves and when we do, we also show up in a better way for others. Just like a flight attendant will tell you to put on your own safety jacket, before helping anybody else, it is our duty to learn to love and understand ourselves, before we can truly extend that feeling to others. And since, our external reality is a reflection of what is going on within. The more people make it their priority to value, respect and love themselves first, the better the collective reflection will be in the long run. In a nation of self-secure, self-loving individuals, there would be no room for divide, conflict and violence. That is why self growth and self development are so important. And yes it is a lifelong journey! A beautifully empowering one that is. Remember: you are worthy beyond words. No matter who you are, what you do and where you come from, you bring value to this world! You made it here against all odds. Now be kind to yourself and make it count: go shine that light bright! If you feel stuck and need an extra hand to achieve greater inner peace & wellbeing, BioNeuroEmotion (BNE) is a wonderful method that will help you shift your perspective, so you can foster meaningful changes in your life by transforming your conflicts into stepping stones. My mission is to empower men and women to move beyond their perceived limitations, step into their best selves and make a difference in the world. You can find out more about my work or book a one on one online session here. Resources:
Hi, I´m DannieA fellow soul seeker, blogger & certified BioNeuroEmotion® (BNE) practitioner who is passionate about growing, self actualising & learning in order to lead a more coherent/conscious life and help others do the same. Archives
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